Tomás Saraceno

Tomás Saraceno (b.1973, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina) lives and works in and beyond planet Earth. His floating sculptures, artworks and interactive installations challenge ways of inhabiting and sensing the environment. Calling for environmental justices that enable interspecies cohabitation, Saraceno’s artistic collaborations seek relationships with the terrestrial, atmospheric, and cosmic realms – particularly through his community projects Aerocene and Arachnophilia.

In the past two decades, Saraceno has collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Max Planck Institute, the Nanyang Technological University, the Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum London. He has lectured in institutions worldwide, and directed the Institute of Architecture‐related Art (IAK) at Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany (2014–16), and held residencies at Centre National d’Études Spatiales (2014–15), MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (2012–ongoing) and Atelier Calder (2010), among others.

Tomas Saraceno: Web(s) of life

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Tomás Saraceno: Web(s) of Life

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